SHOP /HAIR DIY | ShondasStyles
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Your hair is easy to maintain straight some may be thicker the rest but your strands can hold a bone Straight look! If you want more insight on how to curl your locks

Click Below & check out my E-book On Frizz Control Pack 


Your hair is more of a natural wave to big bodacious  curls i must say more in to the 2 C you have problems with frizz correct? well to keep these curls bouncy and shinny click below see if this help you out!!


These Corkscrew coils can range in size and are most prone to frizz, and on occasion dryness. Click below the learn more!


Tight coils you have hair that bends in sharp angles, Summer months are dry and frizzy and using all the products but I can understand this is my hair everyday all day but I found a cure to help with this daily problem Click Below to find out what I do!

4 A-C

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